Call to schedule your 2025 HUNT: 970-921-3877
Call to schedule your 2025 HUNT: 970-921-3877
We here at Elk Basin Outfitters offer six men or women a chance for on the job training for two months with the possibility of job opportunities or placement with us or elsewhere upon completion.
CAMP AND LIVESTOCK TRAINING - During July and August you will learn how to catch, saddle, ride and take care of all the horses and mules. You will know how to string a pack string together and how to lead a pack string, how to prepare the camp for loading and packing. How to pack hay, wood, meat, groceries and other things.
HUNTING AND GUIDE TRAINING - You will learn how to bugle and all hunting techniques. You will learn how to field dress the animal for preparation to the processing plant. You will be able to guide summer time pack trips and tours through the high Rocky Mountains of Colorado. You will also learn how to use a firearm and archery. You will learn how to hunt, track and fish. You will learn how to take care of the customer, which is number one. You men and women are getting two months of on the job training, where you only get four weeks at other guide schools.
You will be working and learning a trade that most men and women can only dream about. So come ride with Elk Basin Oufitters and let’s have some fun in the high mountains of Colorado!
Call Elk Basin Outfitters - Bill Allen at (970) 921-3877.
Thank you and hope to see you soon!
Bill & Carla Allen, Owners
Bill Allen, Buglin' Bill Outfitters is an equal opportunity service provider and employer and operates under permit from the USDA Forest Service, Grand Mesa, Uncompaghre, and Gunnison National Forest. Copyright © 2024 Elk Basin Outfitters - All Rights Reserved.